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Stand With Wild Horses

The WILD BEAUTY Team heads to Washington D.C. on April 30th. Can you help them stop helicopter cruelty to wild horses?

Wild horses in America are fast disappearing and on a path toward eradication, caught in a divisive battle over land and special interests. Rounded up by helicopters, they are losing their natural habitat, being separated from their families, and face the very real danger of fading away into history. While the situation that wild horses are facing is not new, their plight is becoming part of the discussion, and people are pushing back against their treatment.

The filmmakers and experts behind the award-winning documentary WILD BEAUTY: MUSTANG SPIRIT OF THE WEST are headed back to Washington D.C. on April 30 to host a critical event for members of Congress. The goal of this event, which will be held within the Capitol, is to educate members and to seek signatures for H.R. 3656 – The Wild Horse & Burro Protection Act.

If passed, this vitally important act would finally eliminate the use of helicopters in wild horse roundups – a cruel, antiquated practice used by the Bureau of Land Management. During these roundups – which cost millions of taxpayer dollars – wild horses are often chased for miles at a time into trap sites. These stampedes can take place in the sweltering heat, and wild horses, particularly small foals or pregnant mares, can be run to exhaustion and death. Stallions break their legs or backs trying to escape or bravely protect their families. But that’s just the beginning – following a roundup, the horses who are captured are then put into trailers and taken to a temporary holding facility where they are sorted before being moved to mass holding facilities where many live out their lives unable to be with their families, gallop, or in some instances, find proper shelter from the elements. Currently, there are approximately 60,000 wild horses being held in government holding facilities.

The WILD BEAUTY team needs your help, not only to see the event for Congress through, but to stop this barbaric practice. Dr. Nancy O’Reilly is generously offering a $10,000 match donation to support the team and their efforts on behalf of wild horses, and this bipartisan bill. Please visit the WILD BEAUTY website to donate, and help spread the word!

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