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Save the Wild Horses: Postcards to President Biden

Save the Wild Horses: Poscards to President biden

The results are in! Ten-year-old Ada was selected as the winner in her age group for The Wild Beauty Foundation’s “Write a Letter for Wild Horses This Holiday Season,” an awareness campaign from last fall/winter!

She and her friends wrote postcards to President Biden while attending Taking the Reins, a girls’ empowerment and leadership program. In the postcards, the girls ask the President to protect and save the wild horses.  Thank you, Ada and your friends, for your support and heartfelt passion to save wild horses. And congratulations
on winning!

The Wild Beauty Foundation is dedicated to protecting the horses of our time, by bringing awareness to the key issues both wild and domestic horses are facing today.

Taking the Reins is dedicated to helping historically underserved girls in Los Angeles learn how to navigate their growth and futures by creating an environment for exploration and learning.

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